You Are A True Story
From Buddy Wakefield
Here’s what you get:
Every Wednesday brings a Buddy quote, like:
Vulnerability is what made every movie, sang every song, and wrote every poem that ever plugged a life back into itself.
Every Thursday is typically a lesser-known moment from Buddy’s work:
You look good in your tidal wave, toe-to-toe with the mean blue moon, head raised up like a lighthouse. You are…
Every Friday anything goes; an original prompt, verse, lyric, or current thought:
I choose to politely ask myself to step aside if I am in my own way. If I do not get out of my way, I choose to call a friend who will have me removed.
Every Saturday is Buddy’s favorite quotes by other writers.
I have had the wind knocked out of me, but never the hurricane. —Jeffrey McDaniel
Every Sunday is a reminder for the coming week:
It’s OK to not be good at being overwhelmed.
Here’s what you won’t get:
* Obligation.
* Anyone selling you shit.
* More than the one text per day that you signed on for.
We’ve figured out a way to include you!
Here’s all you have to do:
1) PayPal buddywakefieldpoetry at gmail the cost of $5/mo for the rest of the year.
Example: if it is now May 12th, no worries, just start calculating from June 1, paying $5/mo through December [$40]).
2) Once you’ve paid, shoot an email with your exact phone number, including the country code, to, and we’ll include you. Done. Don’t worry, we’ll check in with you again in January to see if you’d like to renew.
It’s a workaround on WhatsApp, but I think we can make it work if the above works for you.
Workin it. You’re worth it.